My Life as a Series of Drinks - The Obama

I remember the night Barack Obama won the election. It’s funny, because it was the first US election I refused to follow. I hadn’t gotten my ballot (either Town Hall failed to send or Canada Post failed to deliver). I danced the night away at the Soda as soon as I heard the news. I even created a drink, the recipe which I’m sharing with you here:

The Obama Served in a shot glass

  • 1/3 Red Sour Puss
  • 1/3 China White creme de cacao
  • 1/3 Blue Curacao

Slowly pour down the inside slope of the shot glass, layering the Red, White and Blue. Enjoy the cool colour made by the Curacao and the China White. After toasting to Obama, slam in one gulp. Has the flavour of a Tootsie Pop!